jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

don't you be a ...

Don't you be a traffic light
With all things said

You turn to red
Don't you be a traffic light
Don't you be a round-a-bout
Not another round-a-bout
We've come this far
Yet back to the start

Don't you be a round-a-bout
Oh now baby don't miss read the signs
If you turn the key then things will turn out fine
Lets not have a break down
Not another breakdown
You're on your own a long way from home
Lets not have a breakdown
Don't miss read the signs if you had just turned the key then things would have turned out fine You're pushing me, you're breaking
Over taking me you're racing
First placing me not chasing me back home
Don't let me down

traffic light -- TheTingTings

domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

arigato al finn!

Desde hace unas semanas el Arigato No! de los Gandhis está en mis manos y oídos, firmadito y todo ya!.
Costó tenerlo,después de algunos atrasos en la entrega del disco a las tiendas el 16 de abril pudimos romper el plástico y escuchar el disquito.
Muy diferente a lo que me tienen acostumbrada estos señores,pero sin duda uno de sus mejores trabajos. Client Satisfied ;D !

ojo al video de Arigato (1er single).